Laboratory testing is an integral part of internal medicine as well as some surgical work ups. Accurate and timely results enable our veterinarians to confirm a diagnosis, determine the extent of the condition and develop a more accurately tailored treatment plan for quicker return to health. In addition, sequential laboratory tests help quantify the response to therapy and help guide the duration of the therapy that may be needed. At Bannon Woods we provide many in-house laboratory services including:

  • Chemical Profile
  • Complete Blood Count
  • Thyroid Panel
  • Cytology
  • Culture and Sensitivity
  • Fecal Analysis
  • Fluid Analysis
  • Phenobarbitol Levels
  • SMDA testing (for early renal disease)
  • Interleukin-1-Receptor Antagonist Protein Processing (IRAP)
  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Any additional laboratory tests needed (including drug screens, Coggins tests and stem cell processing and histopathology) are shipped out to external laboratories. We ensure that the samples are properly collected, properly processed and stored and properly shipped to another laboratory in a timely manner for fast accurate results.